In the e2flex project we will investigate how customers’ preferences will influence the profiles of flexible consumers and if this poses challenges in the distribution grid, due to synchronization. We will develop flexibility products which DSOs can use to resolve congestion and investigate what the value of flexibility is.
The Danish government has set ambitious goals to decarbonize Denmark. One requirement for reaching this goal is the electrification of the transport sector. The number of EVs and plug-in hybrids is increasing rapidly in Denmark. At the same time, electricity prices have increased dramatically within the last year, resulting in customers paying more attention to their electricity consumption and costs. The development of digital solutions enables customers to follow their consumption and correlate it with e.g., electricity prices, CO2-emissions from electricity generation.

27. February 2025
Henrik W. Bindner new Head of Steering Committee
At the steering committee meeting on 27. February 2025, the steering committee elected Henrik W. Bindner as the new Head of Steering Committee (HoSC). Henrik is the Head of Section of Distributed Energy Systems at DTU Wind and Energy Systems and has many years of experience with national and international research projects within smart grids and integrated energy systems. Thank you Henrik for taking up this role and help the e2flex project to push the knowledge within DSO flexibility.
The e2flex team would also like to thank Christoffer Greisen, the former HoSC, for his efforts and contributions to the project.

30. October 2023
Presentation to ELFORSK Advisory Board
The ELFORSK advisory board held a meeting at HOFOR on the 30. October. Tilman Weckesser, the project manager of e2flex, presented the project, its current status and first findings to the board.

9. October 2023
Workshop at Hybrid Greentech
On the 9. October, the e2flex project team met in Høje Taastrup in the offices from our project partner Hybrid Greentech to discuss the use cases, which will be investigated in the project as well as the flexibility products.

6. June 2023
Workshop at Radius
On the 6. June, the e2flex project team met in Virum at the offices of our project partner Radius to get an inside into Radius current approach for grid expansion planning. This was followed by discussion to further detail the scope of the project and the demonstration.

21. April 2023
WP3 kick-off workshop
SPIRII invited all project participants to a kick-off workshop of WP3, which was held on the 21. April. At the workshop, SPIRII presented their platform and Hybrid GreenTech presented ideas for the interface of platforms, which will be used in the project demonstration.
Supporting projects
One goal of the project is to contribute to the education of future engineers, which are going to develop the solutions to enable the green transition. Therefor, we offer special projects, BSc and MSc thesis throughout the project.
- Malthe Thingvad, Electric vehicle user behavior modelling based on real charging data, MSc thesis, Supervisors: Haris Ziras, Tilman Weckesser, Torben Fog (completed 01/2023)
- Shahatphong Pechrak, Standardization of local flexibility markets through capacity limitation services, MSc thesis, Supervisors: Haris Ziras, Zhe Chen (completed 07/2023)
- Jonathan Henius Odgaard, Charging profiles of electric vehicles for distribution grid design, BSc thesis, Supervisors: Haris Ziras, Tilman Weckesser (completed 11/2023)
- Jacob Sterup Skaarup, Modelling future EV charging profiles based on consumer preferences, BSc thesis, Supervisors: Haris Ziras, Tilman Weckesser (completed 12/2023)
- Jan-Dirk Randewijk, Investigation of the effect of electricity prices and network tariffs on electric vehicle charging, BSc thesis, Supervisors: Haris Ziras, Ghaffar Yousefi, Mattia Secchi, Tilman Weckesser (completed 4/2024)
- Mikkel Andreassen, Forecasting and scheduling electric vehicle charging under limited information availability, BSc thesis, Supervisors: Haris Ziras, Ghaffar Yousefi, Manish K. Singh (University of Wisconsin-Madison), Tilman Weckesser (completed 4/2024)
- Marte Sydtveit and Peter Pedersen, Development of EV load forecasting models, BSc thesis, Supervisors: Tilman Weckesser, Haris Ziras, Ghaffar Yousefi (completed 5/2024)
- Margarita Chatzouli, Investigating User Behavior and Preferences in Residential Electric Vehicle Charging: A Danish Case Study, MSc thesis, Supervisors: Haris Ziras, Ghaffar Yousefi, Tilman Weckesser (completed 6/2024)

Project Work Packages
Work Package 1
Impact of flexible demand - on distribution networks
Task1.1: EV charging profiles today
Task1.2: Development of future EV charging profiles
Task 1.3: Impact of EVs on the distribution network
- Danish EV charging profiles for today
- Future EV charging profiles
- Description of challenges that can emerge in distribution grids
Development of solutions - to resolve distribution network challenges
Task 2.1: Specification of flexibility products
Task 2.2: Test of flexibility products in a simulation setup
Task 2.3: Aggregator solutions for flexibility quantification and control
Task 2.4: Iterative analysis of real-grid test results
- Specification of flexibility products
- Proposal for an approval process for flexibility providers
- Methods for the quantification and control of flexibility
Development of local flexibility framework and execution of field tests
Task 3.1: DSO/CPO/Aggregator interfaces and framework development
Task 3.2: CPO customer management and contracts
Task 3.3: Iterative real-grid tests
- Development of digital flexibility solutions to enable DSOs to request flexibility services from aggregators and aggregators to control their EV charger portfolio
- Field test in a real-grid
Expected results
WP1 Impact of flexible demand:
- Consumption profiles for flexible consumers, which take into consumers’ preferences into consideration
WP2 Development of solutions:
- Flexibility products to manage challenges in the distribution grid, which are caused due to flexible consumers (e.g., use of implicit flexibility)
- Method to quantify and control of flexibility
WP3 Development of local flexibility framework and execution of field tests:
- Digital flexibility solutions, which enable DSOs to request flexibility services from aggregators and that aggregators can control their portfolio of flexible consumers (e.g., EV chargers)
- Verification of the developed flexibility solutions through experiments in a real grid

Project Management
Steering Group:
Rasmus Rode Mosbæk (temp.)
Project Manager
Tilman Weckesser Assistant Professor tweck@dtu.dk
Work Package Leaders
Tilman Weckesser, DTU Wind, Leader of WP2: Development of flexibility solutions
Malthe Thingvad, Spirii, Leader of WP3: Development of a local flexibility framework and execution of field test

Facts and figures