Earth Observation data for upscaling carbon FLUX and water BUDGET at Zealand

Measurements of CO2 emission and deposition at Zealand are collected at 5 sites representing major Danish biotypes. While these measurements provide information on the temporal variability of ecosystem fluxes and their longer term trends, EO-FLUX-BUDGET combines Earth Observation (EO) data and a GIS-based soil-vegetation-atmosphere transfer model (DaisyGIS) for the spatial upscalling of such data at Zealand. Spatial extrapolation of ground-based data is essential for the monitoring of regional, national and global biosperic processes. Because of the landscape heterogeneity, the surface conditions which are responsible for the atmospheric fluxes vary with the scale of modeling.

In EO-FLUX-BUDGET, "effective" (or aggregate) surface variables are computed directly at the scale of interest using multiple-resolution EO data. The new-generation EO data are important for this purpose because they facilitate improved estimation of both vegetation quantity and chlorophyll contents which are particular important for evaluating the carbon sink (absorption) on Earth. Maps of CO2 exchange and evapotranspiration rates will be produced and validated in time and space using tower fluxes and air-borne flux measurements. The annual budgets of CO2 and water are calculated for Zealand in two climatologically different years.

- Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen: Henrik Søgaard (co-ordinator of the project), Eva Bøgh
- Wind Energy Department, Risø National Laboratory: Charlotte Bay Hasager (co-ordinator of the Risø part), Niels Otto Jensen, Ebba Dellwik
- Plant Research Department, Risø National Laboratory: Kim Pilegaard
- Danish Hydraulic Institue (DHI) Water & Environment: Michael Butts, Mette Thorsen
- Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University: Søren Hansen

The Danish Research Agency within the ESA følgesforsknings-programme for 1.1.2001- 1.1.2004

1. Jensen, N,O.; Hasager, C.B., On the calculation of area-averaged or effective temperature roughness lengths. In: Extended abstracts. WMO/WCRP-sponsored regional-scale climate modelling workshop: High-resolution climate modelling: Assessment, added value and applications, Lund (SE), 29 Mar - 2 Apr 2004. Bärring, L.; Laprise, R. (eds.), (Lund University, Lund, 2005) (Lund Electronic Reports in Physical Geography, 2005, no. 5) p. 48

2. Bøgh, E.; Butts, M.; Abrahamsen, P.; Poulsen, R.N.; Hansen, S.; Søgaard, H.; Dellwik, E.; Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Lørup, J.C.; Pilegaard, K., Upscaling the water balance using multiple spatial resolution Earth observations and GIS based agro/eco-hydrological modeling. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 31. International symposium on remote sensing of environment: Global monitoring for sustainability and security, St. Petersburg (RU), 20-24 Jun 2005. (Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, St. Petersburg, 2005) 1 p.

3. Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O., Remote sensing data and land surface flux aggregation modelling. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 31. International symposium on remote sensing of environment: Global monitoring for sustainability and security, St. Petersburg (RU), 20-24 Jun 2005. (Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, St. Petersburg, 2005) 1 p.

4. Hasager, C.B.; Kustas, W.P.; Li, F.; Jensen, N.O., Impact of local and effective roughness on heat flux computations in Midwestern croplands. EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna (AT), 24-29 Apr 2005. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2005) 7

5. Hasager, C.B., Aggregation modelling. In: ACCENT-BIAFLUX workshop 2005. Trace gas and aerosol flux measurement techniques. Abstract book. ACCENT-BIAFLUX workshop 2005, Risø (DK), 6-8 Apr 2005. Werner, A.; Sørensen, L.L. (eds.), Risø National Laboratory (DK). Wind Energy Department. Risø-R-1508(EN) (2005) p. 52-53 Full text version

6. Goeckede, M.; Markkanen, T.; Hasager, C.B.; Foken, T., Use of footprint modelling for the characterization of complex measurement sites. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 26. Conference on agricultural and forest meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Vancouver (CA), 23-27 Aug 2004. (American Meteorological Society, Boston, 2004) 5 p. Full text version

7. Søgaard, H.; Bøgh, E.; Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, C.B.; Schelde, K.; Thomsen, A., CO_2-regnskabet for det åbne land. Nat. Verden (2004) 87 (no.9) , 10-16

8. Bøgh, E.; Butts, M.; Hansen, S.; Poulsen, R.N.; Søgaard, H.; Abrahamsen, P.; Dellwik, E.; Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Pilegaard, K., MODIS data for modelling the water balance at Zealand, Denmark. EGU General Assembly 2004, Nice (FR), 25-30 Apr 2004. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2004) 6

9. Bøgh, E.; Søgaard, H.; Christensen, J.H.; Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Nielsen, N.W.; Rasmussen, M.S., Combining weather prediction and remote sensing data for the calculation of evapotranspiration rates: Application to Denmark. Int. J. Remote Sensing (2004) 25 , 2553-2574 Abstract/full text

10. Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O., Modelling of area-average temperature roughness length. EGU General Assembly 2004, Nice (FR), 25-30 Apr 2004. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2004) 6

11. Bøgh, E.; Thorsen, M.; Butts, M.B.; Hansen, S.; Christiansen, J.S.; Abrahamsen, P.; Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Keur, P. van der; Refsgaard, J.C.; Schelde, K.; Søgaard, H.; Thomsen, A., Incorporating remote sensing data in physically based distributed agro-hydrological modelling. J. Hydrol. (2004) 287 , 279-299

12. Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Pilegaard, K.; Boegh, E., MODIS and Landsat TM scaling study on the evapotranspiration at mid-latitude. In: IGARSS 2003 (on CD-ROM). IEEE international geoscience and remote sensing symposium, Toulouse (FR), 21-25 Jul 2003. (IEEE, Piscataway, NJ, 2003) 3 p. See poster.

13. Boegh, E.; Butts, M.; Hansen, S.; Soegaard, H.; Hasager, C.B.; Pilegaard, K.; Haastrup, M.; Henriksen, H.J.; Jensen, N.O.; Kristensen, M. 2003 Combining earth observations, gis data and eco-hydrological modelling for predicting carbon budgets and water balance. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 7-11 April 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 05544. See abstract

14. Hasager, C. B., Pilegaard, K., Jensen, N.O. 2003 Water vapour and sensibel heat fluxes over forest: a multi-year study. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 7-11 April 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 04959. See abstract

15. Hasager, C. B., Boegh, E., Jensen, N.O. and K. Pilegaard 2003 MODIS and Landsat TM scaling study on the evapotranspiration at mid-latitude. IGARSS 2003, 21-25 July 2003, Toulouse, France. Session C09 Hydrological cycle (abstract submitted)



Charlotte Bay Hasager
DTU Wind
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