Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week


Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week


25. sep 09:00 - 28. sep 2023 16:00


DTU Campus Lyngby
Anker Engelunds Vej 101
2800 Kongens Lyngby


Energynautics GmbH

Symposium & Workshop

Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week

7th E-mobility Power System Integration Symposium & 22nd Wind and Solar Integration Workshop.

7th E-mobility Power System Integration Symposium

The purpose of the E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium is to discuss the challenges that arise with increased power demand due to electric vehicle charging, and how they can be met by coordinating with renewable power production in the electrical system (hence the combination with the Solar & Wind Integration Workshop). The selection of topics also highlights the need for integrating the required electric vehicle charging infrastructure with the expansion of the distribution and transmission system.

The Symposium offers a prime opportunity to discuss the significant future impact of E-Mobility on power system design and operation. It aims to bring together experts on electric vehicles, charging infrastructure, power system operators, and stakeholders of the renewable energy industry as well as power system regulators and universities.

Click here for more information 


22nd Wind and Solar Integration Workshop


Since its first edition in 2000, the primary objective of the Wind & Solar Integration Workshop (then “International Workshop on Feasibility of HVDC Transmission Networks for Offshore Wind Farms”) has been to stimulate interdisciplinary thinking between industry and academia by providing a platform for discussion and for sharing ideas and knowledge regarding the key issues in the field of large-scale grid integration of renewable energies.

From 2011 to 2021, the Wind Integration Workshop has been conducted back to back with the Solar & Storage Integration Workshop. In 2022, the two Workshops merged to the Wind & Solar Integration Workshop (including such topics as Sector Coupling, Storage and Hydrogen) to take into account the many possible synergies and to meet the wishes of the participants.

The workshop will be held together with the 7th E-Mobility Power System Integration Symposium in Copenhagen as part of the Renewable Energy Grid Integration Week on 25 September 2023.

Click here for more information