Scientific advice is a main activity at DTU Wind and Energy Systems in line with research, education, and innovation. We provide researched-based services to authorities, national and international organizations, and business sectors in Denmark and globally.
- International standards and certification of wind energy technologies and systems, the safety of wind energy, security of supply, accident prevention, etc.
- Technical assistance and capacity building related to offshore wind, wind resource assessment, wind atlas, and integration of renewable energy to the strategic partnership countries of the Danish Energy Agency.
- Development and operation of the Global Wind Atlas.
- Secretariat for the IEA Wind Technology Cooperation Programme.
- Capacity building related to power system transformation in emerging economies.
- Time series of renewable energy for the planning of transmission systems.
- Services related to the strategic planning of large-scale offshore wind in the North and Baltic Seas.
- Technical foundation for regulatory models for integrating electric vehicles and heat pumps in the distribution grid.
Birte Holst Jørgensen Senior Researcher Department of Wind and Energy Systems Mobile: +45 21326946