PhD defence Heloísa Guedes Mendona

PhD defence Heloísa Guedes Mendona


13. okt 2023 13:00 - 14:00


DTU Risø Campus, Building 112, Room 105, ”HH Koch”


DTU Wind and Energy Systems

PhD defence

PhD defence Heloísa Guedes Mendona

Title: Assessment of wrinkles impact on the failure of laminates for wind turbine blades

Principal supervisor: Senior Researcher Kim Branner, DTU Wind and Energy Systems
Co-supervisor: Flemming Mortensen, Vestas
Co-supervisor: Johannes Bode, Vestas
Co-supervisor: Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen, DTU Wind and Energy Systems

Examiners: Senior Researcher Helmuth Toftegaard, DTU Wind and Energy Systems, Professor Janice Barton, University of Bristol, Technical Leader & Adjunct Professor Renaud Gutkin, Volvo Car Corporation

Chairperson at defence: Associate Professor Philipp Ulrich Haselbach , DTU Wind

A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department

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