PhD Defence Ilaria Sorrenti

PhD Defence Ilaria Sorrenti


19. dec 2023 13:00 - 15:00


Technical University of Denmark, Lyngby Campus Building 306, Auditorium 34


DTU Wind

PhD defence

PhD Defence Ilaria Sorrenti

Title: Model-based planning and operation of Power-to-X for costs and carbon emissions assessment during the green transition in Denmark

Principal supervisor: Senior Researcher Shi You, DTU Wind
Co-supervisor: PhD Theis Bo Harild Rasmussen, Watts A/S
Co-supervisor: Professor Yibo Wang, CAS

Examiners: Associate Professor Guangya Yang, DTU Associate Professor Iva Skov – Aalborg University and Associate Professor Marianne Zeyringer – University of Oslo

Chairperson at defence: Senior Researcher, Yi Zong, DTU Wind

A copy of the PhD thesis is available for reading at the department

Online participation is possible via Zoom