CINEMAX IX - 9th International Summer School


CINEMAX IX - 9th International Summer School


26. aug 09:00 - 30. aug 2024 17:00


DTU Imaging Centre
Fysikvej, Building 310
2800 Kgs Lyngby.

Summer School

CINEMAX IX - 9th International Summer School

Over 5 days, you will get introduced to data acquisition, 3D reconstruction, segmentation and meshing and, finally, 3D modelling of data to extract physical parameters describing mechanical and flow properties. The teaching and the exercises will take place in close interaction with top experts in the field. Exercises will require some basic programming skills, and will be carried out in a common python environment, introduced through an e-learning program that the students are required to follow before the school (Introduction to Advanced Tomography on Coursera ).

The Summer School and e-learning course will typically be awarded 5 ECTS in total by your university. You will get a diploma describing the course content.

Click here to sign up


Registration deadline: 15 July 2024. 

Abstract upload for poster presentation: 15 August 2024. 


Registration Fee

100 EURO (≈ 750 DKK). Lunch and dinners will be provided every day, including lunch on Friday.



Jens Wenzel Andreasen, DTU Energy

Anders Bjorholm Dahl, DTU Compute

Lars Pilgaard Mikkelsen, DTU Wind

Vedrana Andersen Dahl, DTU Compute

Jakob Sauer Jørgensen, DTU Compute

Signe Dan Jensen, DTU Energy (Administrative Coordinator)