2nd International Conference on Sustainable Wind Turbine Blades


2nd International Conference on Sustainable Wind Turbine Blades


18. nov 09:00 - 20. nov 2024 17:00


DTU Risø Campus.
Frederiksborgvej 399,
4000 Roskilde, Denmark.


2nd International Conference on Sustainable Wind Turbine Blades

New Materials, Recycling and Future Perspectives

The sustainability of wind turbine blades, from the selection of materials to the manufacturing of blades until the end of life and recycling phase, has become a significant topic of discussion in recent years. New developments in the field of material sciences, recycling technologies and the analysis of the recycling value chain are shaping future perspectives.

This conference offers lectures, round tables and sessions on the following topics:

New blade materials // bio-composites, recyclable thermosets, thermoplastics, bio-based resins, bio-based carbon fibres // Recycling // Reuse, repurpose, pyrolysis, solvolysis // Recycling value chain // Estimating and mapping wind turbine blade waste, circular economy, life cycle assessment of recycling processes // Future perspective // Design for recycling, recycling of recyclable wind turbine blades, and more.

Check out the complete programme and sign up here

Date: 18-20 November 2024

Location: DTU Risø Campus


Leon Mishnaevsky Jr. Senior Scientist Department of Wind and Energy Systems

Justine Beauson Development Engineer Department of Wind and Energy Systems