WASP Week 2024


WASP Week 2024


11. nov 09:00 - 15. nov 2024 17:00


DTU Risø Campus

WASP Week 2024

The WAsP Week 2024 has two main parts, and you can choose to participate in both of them by attending Monday to Friday, or you can choose to participate in one of the parts only.

Part 1: 3-day in-person WAsP course (Monday-Tuesday-Wednesday)
The WAsP course has been comprehensively updated, and it includes new exercises and a new final case study.

The 3-day course is intended for engineers, scientists, and others primarily working within the field of wind energy, who require a working knowledge of the WAsP program. Aspects of the theories underlying the program will be presented, but the course will stress practical experience and examples on the use of WAsP. Although the course requires no prior knowledge of meteorology or wind energy conversion technology, some familiarity with one of these areas, as well as basic knowledge of using Windows PCs would be advisable prerequisites.

Part 2: 2-day in-person WAsP workshops (Thursday-Friday)
These workshops will cover a number of topics reflecting results from the WAsP user survey we conducted last year. Through up-to three parallel sessions working in smaller groups, we will provide i) newer users with introductory demonstrations and Q and A sessions, as well as, ii) sessions for experienced users with expert user “clinics” and discussion. We would like participants to help determine topics of interest. So please let us know what topics you would like to go deeply into. Topics can include, but are not limited to, WAsP Engineering, Windfarm Assessment Tool (WAT), PyWAsP, WindKit and WAsP-map handling using QGIS. Advisable prerequisites for the workshops include knowledge of WAsP (for example participation in the WAsP course, or other working experience using WAsP or related software).

We have also set aside time for networking and social activities.

Please note that you have the opportunity to participate in the full WAsP Week or you may choose to participate either the 3-day WAsP course or the 2-day WAsP workshops, based on your needs.

We look forward to your participation in WAsP Week 2024!

Sign up here

More details in WAsP website