Bornholm Power System

Technical Specifications

Control rooms with SCADA systems:

  • Operational ABB NM SCADA at Bornholms Energi & Forsyning
  • Experimental ABB NM SCADA at DTU
  • Measurements collected with 1 s time resolution
  • 1,300 analogue signals 2,200 digital signals

ELSPEC G4430 BLACKBOX Power Quality Recorders:

  • All network parameters with up to 1,024/cycle resolution
  • 10 units in the grid + 7 units in the power plant

Phasor measurement units (PMU’s):

  • Voltage and current RMS + phase with 20 ms time resolution
  • Extremely accurate time stamping

Interval meters at customers:

  • Advanced 5 min interval meters

Forecasting systems:

  • Wind power generation
  • PV generation
  • Electricity demand
  • Heat demand

Technical Data of the Bornholm Power System:




Number of customers:                   


Number of customers (> 100.000 kWh/year)


Total energy consumed                                   

       250 GWh

Peak load     

         55 MW


         34 MW

14 diesel generators (oil) 


1 steam turbine (oil)

         25 MW

1 steam turbine (oil/coal/wood chips)

         37 MW

35 wind turbines          

         30 MW

2 gas engines (biogas)                      

           2 MW

PV (2012) 

           5 MW

Electric vehicles (under roll-out)


60 kV grid                                          

        131 km

Number of 60/10 kV substations        


10 kV grid  

        927 km

Number of 10/0.4 kV substations:      


0.4 kV grid                                        

      1913 km


Fiber network between 60/10 kV substations:               

        131 km

District heating

Number of district heating systems:   


Total heat demand (in 2007)             

       560 GWh

Normal operation mode             

Interconnected Nordel