Modern wind turbines can experience destructive fluid-influenced vibrations. Cost reduction drives the development towards increasing blade length and flexibility, increasing the risk for such vibrations. The PRESTIGE project will ensure that future turbines do not encounter instabilities.
PRESTIGE implements a new level of physics resolving models at central industry partners, VESTAS, SIEMENS GAMESA, and LM capable of predicting these instabilities during the design phase. PRESTIGE will lower the cost for component replacement, enlarge service and installation periods, and promote future turbines with 5-10% increased annual energy production without the risk of aeroelastic instabilities.
Expected outcome:
During and following the project, the project partners will publish the general findings. It must be foreseen that this will spawn an international interest for the applied techniques, and it is important to handle the dissemination in a cautious way to assure that Danish wind turbine industry will have maximum benefit from the project outcome, while at the same time assuring that the leading position of two academia partners within controls and high-fidelity aeroelastic modelling will be explored to maximum benefit for the general wind energy community.
The resulting more safe and reliable wind turbines will benefit society in general, and furthermore increase acceptability, partly also because more slender constructions at low rotational speed gives a better visual impression.
The project began April 2020 and runs for 3 years.
Total project budget: 13.20 mio. DKK.