Material Laboratories

DTU Wind and Energy Systems has world-leading composite laboratories for wind energy. State-of-the-art research and innovation are carried out within composite processing techniques, preparation of test specimens, accredited mechanical testing to meet industrial standards, X-ray computed tomography, electron microscopy, sensor instrumentation and signal analysis.




The focused objective in FiberLab is process conditions and manufacturing of fiber reinforced polymer composites and the related material properties. Typical reinforcement is glass and carbon fiber embedded in a thermosetting polymer material. Test laminates are manufactured in controlled environment by vacuum infusion or by hot press molding. Lay-up realized by filament winding or from stacking fiber fabrics.

FiberLab provide the experimental verification and generation of input and support for composite materials modelling. Investigation and characterization of composite materials includes single fiber composites, fiber fabric permeability, fiber and matrix density, resin viscosity, cure kinetic, composite fiber content and porosity as well as microscopy examination of material quality.
Processing and preparation of samples for accredited composite material testing for own research and for industry is an essential function for the laboratory.

Fiberlab Manager: Tom Løgstrup Andersen (


The TestLab is an accredited laboratory (ISO17025) with 16 servo-hydraulic machines, electro-mechanical machines and a pulsator machine with load capacity going from 3kN to 500kN. To support our research and improve material characterization, the lab is also equipped with a single fiber tester and a DMA.

The main purpose of the facility is to develop understanding around composite damage mechanisms under different R ratios in fatigue for example. In order to do so the lab has access to monitoring techniques like IR camera, DIC systems, and other sensing techniques.
Secondly, the accreditation enables the lab to support the wind industry in their material qualification. For that, the team is constantly developing new techniques and specimens’ geometry to measure the “full potential” of increasing high-performance composites.

Contact: Anthony Fraisse (


The MicroLab is a metallurgical laboratory for preparing samples for microscopic investigations. Equipment for cutting, embedding, polishing, and etching is available. Including a wide range of microscopes spanning from standard optical microscopes, a microscope for topographic 3D imaging, for determining surface roughness parameters, to two scanning electron microscopes and an environmental scanning electron microscope for investigating non-conductive materials.

Contact: Søren Fæster (


The SensorLab primarily provides Acoustic Emission measurement technology for all types of coupon, element, sub-section, and full-scale structure composite testing. This allows for accurate damage detection, localization, and characterization.

Contact: Malcolm McGugan (

3D Print Lab

3D PrintLab deals with additive manufacturing (AM) and automated robotic manufacturing of fiber composite structures. Analysis of mechanical properties of composite materials, AM process optimization using both numerical and experimental methods, and investigation of thermoplastic and sustainable fiber composites, are among the activities carried out in PrintLab.

Contact: Ali Sarhadi (


BearingLab is a test facility for testing small scale bearings with an inner bore of 60mm. The lab consists of two customized FE8 test rigs that are modified with programmable hydraulic load units for simulating transient wind turbine loads and with stray currents similar to those occurring in the drivetrains. The test rigs can be run with continuous or pitch rotation, with ball, tapered or thrust bearings, with oil or grease lubrication and with temperature control.

Contact: Yi Guo (


Anthony Fraisse
Head of Section
DTU Wind
+45 93 51 15 64


Ignacio Martí
Head of Division
DTU Wind
+45 93 51 15 11