Photo of a windscanner being used

6" WindScanner 2.0


"6" WindScanner 2.0" is a collaboration project from with the FORWIND cooperation at the German University of Oldenburg. The objective of the project is providing the university with a copy of the WindScanner EU research infrastructure. Thus, a six inch short range WindScanner was developed during 2018. This is the second WindScanner built for and delivered to The University of Oldenburg. The first one was delivered in 2017.

The German Research Foundation (via is funding the project.

Exptected outcome:
The outcome of the project will be delivery of research equipment in form of a short-range WindScanner with a of range 300 meters to a partner in the joint European infrastructure.

The project started January 1 and ended December 31 2018


Torben Krogh Mikkelsen
Professor emeritus
DTU Wind
+45 46 77 50 09