Onshore wind turbines tested by the coast

NEWA: New European Wind Atlas

The New European Wind Atlas (NEWA) will involve the development of new dynamical downscaling methodologies as well as improvements and extensions of the models involved with high temporal and spatial resolution.

The Atlas will take advantage of newly created long term datasets and incorporate comprehensive information about wind conditions for all stages of wind projects’ life-cycle.

Overall, the new Atlas will provide a unified high resolution and freely available data-set of wind energy resources in Europe. The statistics in the atlas will cover Europe with a resolution 20-30 meters in at least 10 wind turbine relevant heights. This statistical downscaling is built on at least 10 years of mesoscale simulations with a resolution of 2-3 km. These mesoscale data will be publicly available. 

The area coverage is the EU countries and 100 km offshore plus the Baltic and the North Sea. In addition to wind resource information, the new Atlas will give measures of wind variability, wind power predictability from day-ahead to decadal as well as parameters for wind turbine design.

The project began February 2015 and will end on April 30. 2019.


Jakob Mann
Professor og sektionsleder
DTU Wind
+45 46 77 50 19