Remote Sensing based Crop Simulation and Soil Vegetation Atmosphere Transport modelling

This is a continuation (2001-2005) of a Danish project originally runining from year 1996 to 2000 within "EARTH OBSERVATION" - an interdisciplinary research programme funded by three Danish Research Councils and the Danish Space Board Committee.

Interactions between field and landscape scale Soil-Vegetation-Atmospheric Transport (SVAT) will be investigated from experimental field data combined with information from digital remote sensing images. Focus is on surface fluxes of water vapor, heat and CO2.

The cycles of water, heat and CO2 are important to crop simulation which is relevant for efficient land-use planning, crop management and yield predictions. Expertise on these matters are held by Research Centre Foulum where the field site is located.

The overall objective is to get a better understanding of the processes from the very fine scale (plant/canopy), over homogeneous fields, to landscape mosaics. Previously developed models from five Danish research institutions will be used jointly to pass relevant information from "point" to "area" with the goal of estimating the H2O and CO2 cycles.

The research project draws on experimental and theoretical expertise from five Danish research institutes. These are

- the Department of Agricultural Systems at Research Centre Foulum (Foulum) with Kirsten Schelde as project coordinator
- the Hydrological Modelling Department (HMD) at the Danish Hydraulic Institute (DHI),
- the Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics Department (VEA) at Risø National Laboratory (Risø),
- the Laboratory for Agrohydrology and Bioclimatology (AGSCI) at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University (KVL) and
- the Institute of Geography (GI) at the University of Copenhagen (KU).


Field investigations on soil properties, vegetation state and local meteorological conditions are long-term research objectives at Research Centre Foulum. Likewise has digital remote sensing from airborne and satellite sensors been investigated. A huge database of field data and remote sensing images exists for the test site collected within among other projects, the DANish Multisensor Airborne Campaing project (DANMAC). These data are available for the current project.

New data will be collected during field campaigns to obtain contemporary datasets. Measurements will include for canopy: spectral reflectance, temperature, leaf angle distribution, cover fraction, leaf area index, biomass, light absorption and standard agronomic observations. Measurements for soil will include: water content, temperature and standard soil observations. Measurements for atmosphere will include: wind, temperature, radiation, humidity, rainfall and CO2. A tall meteorological mast will provide data relevant for landscape scale evaluation and smaller masts will provide data for field scale use. At landscape scale digital remote sensing imagery will be obtained.

As the data collected will have to be used by all participants a common data base will be created and maintained at Foulum.

Researchers at Foulum will analyse the relations between spectral data and canopy development as well as conduct inverse modelling of canopy conductance by SVAT-modelling. This demands a broad set of field scale information on soil, canopy and atmosphere. The processing of remote sensing data for larger scale model applications will be carried out by scientists involved in climatology and remote sensing research at Institute of Geography, KU.

The "plant/canopy-scale" soil/plant model DAISY developed at the Royal Veterinary and Agricultural University will be applied and modified by these researchers for use in conjunction with the "catchment scale" MIKE SHE hydrological model. The MIKE SHE model will be applied by researches from the Danish Hydraulic Institute where this model was developed. The MIKE SHE "landscape scale" flux results will be compared to results from a microscale aggregation model developed at Risø. At Risø the micro-scale aggregation model is currently being developed from its present state of calculating land surface momentum flux to include scalar surface fluxes such as water vapour, sensible heat and CO2. Model inputs are remote sensing images as well as wind speed and wind direction, air humidity and temperature at one level.

The two "landscape scale" flux results from respectively, the combined DAISY/MIKE SHE model and the scalar micro-scale aggregation model, will be validated against fluxes of H2O and CO2 measured at a tall meteorological mast run by Risø.

Funding of the RS-project
- The Danish Space Board Committee
- The Danish Agricultural and Veterinary Research Council (SJVF)
- The Danish Natural Science Research Council (SNF)
- The Danish Technical Research Council (STVF)

Seminar dag Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi
d. 8. November 2002

1. Jensen, N,O.; Hasager, C.B., On the calculation of area-averaged or effective temperature roughness lengths. In: Extended abstracts. WMO/WCRP-sponsored regional-scale climate modelling workshop: High-resolution climate modelling: Assessment, added value and applications, Lund (SE), 29 Mar - 2 Apr 2004. Bärring, L.; Laprise, R. (eds.), (Lund University, Lund, 2005) (Lund Electronic Reports in Physical Geography, 2005, no. 5) p. 48

2. Bøgh, E.; Butts, M.; Abrahamsen, P.; Poulsen, R.N.; Hansen, S.; Søgaard, H.; Dellwik, E.; Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Lørup, J.C.; Pilegaard, K., Upscaling the water balance using multiple spatial resolution Earth observations and GIS based agro/eco-hydrological modeling. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 31. International symposium on remote sensing of environment: Global monitoring for sustainability and security, St. Petersburg (RU), 20-24 Jun 2005. (Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, St. Petersburg, 2005) 1 p.

3. Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O., Remote sensing data and land surface flux aggregation modelling. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 31. International symposium on remote sensing of environment: Global monitoring for sustainability and security, St. Petersburg (RU), 20-24 Jun 2005. (Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, St. Petersburg, 2005) 1 p.

4. Hasager, C.B.; Kustas, W.P.; Li, F.; Jensen, N.O., Impact of local and effective roughness on heat flux computations in Midwestern croplands. EGU General Assembly 2005, Vienna (AT), 24-29 Apr 2005. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2005) 7

5. Hasager, C.B., Aggregation modelling. In: ACCENT-BIAFLUX workshop 2005. Trace gas and aerosol flux measurement techniques. Abstract book. ACCENT-BIAFLUX workshop 2005, Risø (DK), 6-8 Apr 2005. Werner, A.; Sørensen, L.L. (eds.), Risø National Laboratory (DK). Wind Energy Department. Risø-R-1508(EN) (2005) p. 52-53 Full text version

6. Goeckede, M.; Markkanen, T.; Hasager, C.B.; Foken, T., Use of footprint modelling for the characterization of complex measurement sites. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 26. Conference on agricultural and forest meteorology, American Meteorological Society, Vancouver (CA), 23-27 Aug 2004. (American Meteorological Society, Boston, 2004) 5 p. Full text version

7. Søgaard, H.; Bøgh, E.; Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, C.B.; Schelde, K.; Thomsen, A., CO_2-regnskabet for det åbne land. Nat. Verden (2004) 87 (no.9) , 10-16

8. Bøgh, E.; Søgaard, H.; Christensen, J.H.; Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Nielsen, N.W.; Rasmussen, M.S., Combining weather prediction and remote sensing data for the calculation of evapotranspiration rates: Application to Denmark. Int. J. Remote Sensing (2004) 25 , 2553-2574 Abstract/full text

9. Soegaard, H., Jensen, N.O., Boegh, E., Hasager, C.B, Schelde, K. and A.Thomsen 2003 Carbon dioxide exchange over an agricultural landscape analysed by combining eddy correlation measurements with footprint modelling, Agric. For. Meteorol. 114/3-4, 153-173

10. Butts, M. B. M. Thorsen, E. Boegh, H. Soegaard, S. Hansen, J. S. Christiansen, P. van der Keur, P. Abrahamsen, C. Hasager, N. O. Jensen, A. Thomsen, K. Schelde, J. C. Refsgaard, Modelling evapotranspiration and carbon dioxide fluxes at plot and landscape scale. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 7-11 April 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 5324. See abstract

11. Christiansen, J.S.; Bøgh, E.; Butts, M.; Hansen, S.; Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Refsgaard, J.C.; Schelde, K.; Søgard, H.; Thomsen, A.; Keur, P. van der, 2003 Estimating LAI and evapotranspiration rates using a distributed hydrological-agricultural model and remote sensing data. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, København (DK), 8. Nov 2002. See abstract

12. Boegh, E., Soegaards, H., Hasager, C.B., Jensen, N.O., Schelde, K. and Thomsen, A., 2002, Airborne multi-spectral data for quantifying leaf area index, nitrogen concentration and photosynthetic efficiency in agriculture, Remote Sensing of Environment 81, 179-193.

13. N. O. Jensen, K. Pilegaard, C. Bay Hasager and T. N. Mikkelsen: CO2 balance measurements and modelling for Danish terrestrial areas. Global Terrestrial Observing System, GTOS, In situ Terrestrial Carbon Observation meeting, Frascati (Rome), June 5-8, 2001, view Poster (815 kB Pdf)

14. Hasager, C.B., Jensen, N.O., Boegh, E., Soegaard, H., Schelde, K. & Thomsen, A., 2001. Scaling-up evapotranspiration from field to regional scale based on optical remote sensing scenes. In the Proceedings of symposium Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 2000. IAHS Publ. No. 267, 292-295

15. Hasager, C. B. 1999 Model for scalar surface fluxes in inhomogeneus terrain. In proceedings of a Risø-NERI workshop on "Modelling Physical and Chemical Processes in the Atmosphere", Roskilde, Denmark 12-13 March 1998 (Eds. O. Hertel, Z. Zlatev, S. Larsen, T. Mikkelsen), 65-78

16. Jensen, N.O. and C.B. Hasager 2000 Scaling up evaporation from field to regional estimates. EGS 2000, 25. General assembly: Millennium conference on earth, planetary and solar systems sciences, Nice (FR), 25-29 Apr 2000. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2000) 2, Abstract available

17. Hasager, C.B. 1999. Land surface exchange of heat modelled by aggregation technique on satellite data and compared to field data. In: DSAR Danish Society for Atmospheric Research 1st Conference, 14-15 October 1999, Eigtveds Pakhus, Copenhagen, Denmark (abstract)

18. Jensen, N.O. and C.B.Hasager, 1999 Surface heat flux averaging in heterogeneous terrain, IUGG 99, Birmingham, UK, 18-30 July 1999 (abstract)

19. Jensen, N.O., Hasager, C.B., Søgaard, H., Thomsen, A. 1999 Hydrological modelling in agricultural landscapes, European Geophysical Society 1999, XXIV General Assembly, The Hague, The Netherlands, 19-23 April, Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol 1, No. 2, p290 (abstract)

20. Hasager, C.B., Hummelshøj, P., Dellwik, E. and Jensen, N.O., 1998 Up-scaling the CO2 flux over agricultural and forest sites by a scalar surface flux aggregation model. In: Proceedings to ALPS99 Symposium, Conference and workshop: Land surfaces, Remote sensing and vegetation cover productivity, Meribel, France, 18-22 January 1999, Proceedings 2, WK3-O-09, 1-4



Charlotte Bay Hasager
DTU Wind
+45 46 77 50 14