The SETWind project is about improving coordination of R&D and R&D policy in Europe in the field of offshore wind energy. More specifically, the SETWind project supports the implementation plan for the EU Strategic Energy Technology Plan (SET-Plan.
The project will support the continued work of the SET-Plan Implementation Working Group for Offshore Wind Energy and facilitate the implementation of the research and Innovation (R&I) priorities through cross-border coordination of nationally funded projects. The SETWind proposal will be executed in close collaboration with key SET-Plan stakeholder partners such as the European Technology and Innovation Platform on Wind Energy (ETIPWIND), the joint Programme for Wind Energy of the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA JP WIND), the SET-Plan secretariat and SETIS .
Furthermore, SETWind will work with the EU Joint Research Centre, IEA Wind TCP and other international organisations to monitor and report on progress and disseminate key lessons and results of the project.
Expected outcome:
The SETWind project will update and work with the Implementation Plan to maintain it as a dynamic reference point for offshore wind energy research and innovation; it will monitor and report on progress towards the Implementation Plan targets of 1090 million € to be invested in R&I in the offshore sector until 2030; it will strengthen policy coordination in European offshore wind energy R&I policy by supporting the work of the SET-Plan Implementation Group for Offshore Wind; and it will facilitate a breakthrough in the coordination across borders of nationally funded R&I projects.
The project will begin March 2019 and run for three years.
Total project budget: 7.44 mio. DKK.