SATellite based bio-geophysical parameter MAPping and aggregation modelling for CLIMATE models.

Global climate change and weather forecasting is modelled by the HIRLAM (HIgh Resolution Limited Area Model) atmospheric flow model. This model is developed at the Danish Meteorological Institute in collaboration with other Nordic weather services. HIRLAM currently is used by weather services in many European countries. The exchanges of energy, water vapour and momentum between the land- and ocean surface and the large scale atmospheric circulation are very important dynamical processes in this type of model.

The SAT-MAP-CLIMATE project focus on development on parameterizations of the land surface fluxes mapped by Earth Observation data from satellites. The satellite information is used to cover the Danish land and sea with a high temporal and spatial resolution. Satellite based maps of land surface roughness, land- and sea surface temperatures and vegetation state will be area-averaged from a 30 m * 30 m resolution to the grid cell size of 5 km * 5 km in HIRLAM. The area-averaging is highly non-linear due to the turbulent physical processes involved. Thus the effective surface conditions cannot be obtained by simple averaging but only by a flow model taking horizontal advection into consideration.

Results of using improved surface boundary conditions in the HIRLAM model will be validated from wind and temperature data at synoptic weather stations and surface flux data from land- and ocean meteorological masts in Denmark. The possibility of surface flux climatology mapping will be evaluated. Further will a one-year climate prediction be carried out with the seasonal land surface effects included in the input conditions. This work is basic to improvements in global climate change predictions.

- Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics Department, Risø National Laboratory: Charlotte Bay Hasager (co-ordinator) and Niels Otto Jensen
- Institute of Geography, University of Copenhagen: Henrik Søgaard, Eva Bøgh, Michael Schultz Rasmussen
- Danish Meteorological Institute: Niels Woetmann Nielsen and Jens Hesselbjerg Christensen

The Danish Research Agency within the ESA følgeforsknings-programme

1. Hasager, C.B. Nielsen, N.W., Jensen, N.O., Boegh, E., Christensen, J.H, Dellwik, E. and Soegaard, H., 2002 Effective roughness calculated from satellite-derived land cover maps and hedge information used in a weather forecasting model. Boundary-Layer Meteorology (accepted)

2. Hasager, C.B., N.W. Nielsen, H.Soegaard, J.H. Christensen, E.Boegh, and N.O. Jensen. 2002 Aggregation Of Satellite Remote Sensing-Based Land Cover Roughness Applied To Meteorological Modelling. Advances in Space Research (submitted)

3. Boegh, E., Soegaard, H., Christensen, J.H., Hasager, C.B., Jensen, N.O., Nielsen, N.W., Rasmussen, M.S. 2002 Combining weather predictions and remote sensing data for the calculation of evapotranspiration rates in Denmark. Int. J. Remote Sensing (submitted)

4. Hasager, C.B., N.W. Nielsen, H. Soegaard, E. Boegh, J.H. Christensen, E. Dellwik, N.O. Jensen, M. S. Rasmussen 2002 Satellite maps of land roughness, albedo and surface temperature used in weather forecasting and climate modelling. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, April 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 02195.

5. Nielsen, N.W.; Hasager, C.B.; Søgaard, H.; Christensen, J.H.; Jensen, N.O., 2002 Results of the SAT-MAP-CLIMATE project. Hirlam Newsletter (2002), no.41, 74-78. Available from SMHI, Norrkoebing, Sweden

6. Hasager, C.B., Nielsen, N.W., Soegaard, H., Boegh, E., Christensen, J.H., Jensen, N.O., Rasmussen, M.S., Astrup, P. and Dellwik, E. 2002 SAT-MAP-CLIMATE project results. Risø-R-1350(EN), Roskilde, Denmark. Available at pp. 72

7. Hasager, C.B., Soegaard, H., Nielsen, N.W., Christensen, J.H., Boegh, E., Jensen, N.O. 2002 Aggregation of satellite remote sensing-based land cover roughness applied to meteorological modelling. 34th COSPAR Assembly Scientific (Committee on Space Research). The second world space congress. Houston, Texas, USA, 10-19 October 2002. See abstract and slide show

8. Bøgh, E.; Søgaard, H.; Christensen, J.H.; Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Nielsen, N.W.; Rasmussen, M.S., The use of HIRLAM climate predictions and AVHRR data for the calculation of evapotranspiration rates in Denmark. In: Proceedings. 1. International symposium on recent advances in quantitative remote sensing, Torrent (ES), 16-20 Sep 2002. Sobrino, J.A. (ed.), (Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, 2002) p. 646-650. See paper

9. Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, C.B., On modelling area averages (aggregation) of momentum and surface heat fluxes based on satellite observations of LAI, land cover, surface temperature and roughness. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, København (DK), 8. Nov 2002. Oral presentation. See abstract

10. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, N.W.; Søgaard, H.; Bøgh, E.; Christensen, J.H.; Jensen, N.O.; Rasmussen, M.S.; Astrup, P.; Dellwik, E., Assimilation af remote sensing data i vejrforudsigelsemodel. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, København (DK), 8. Nov 2002. Oral presentation. See abstract and powerpoint slide

11. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, N.W.; Christensen, J.H.; Søgaard, H.; Bøgh, E.; Rasmussen, M.S.; Jensen, N.O., Remote sensing images used for aggregation of the momentum roughness, z0m. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, København (DK), 8. Nov 2002. See poster

12. Jensen, N.O., Hasager, C.B., Nielsen, N.W., Christensen, J.H., Soegaard, H., Boegh, E. 2002 Satellitbilleder og vejrprognoser. Nordic Meteorological Meeting. Copenhagen 27-31 May 2002. See slide show

13. Hasager, C.B., Soegaard, H., Nielsen, N.W., Christensen, J.H., Boegh, E., Jensen, N.O. 2002 Aggregation of satellite remote sensing-based land cover roughness applied to meteorological modelling. 34th COSPAR Assembly Scientific (Committee on Space Research). The second world space congress. Houston, Texas, USA, 10-19 October 2002. (abstract submitted)

14. Boegh, E., Soegard, H., Christensen, J.H., Hasager, C.B., Jensen, N.O.; Nielsen, NW., Rasmussen, M.S. 2002 Combining climate predictions and remote sensing data for the calculation of evapotranspiration rates in Denmark. First International Symposium on Recent Advances in Quantitative Remote Sensing, 16-20 September 2002, Valencia, Spain. (abstract submitted)

15. Hasager, C.B., 2002 Microscale surface flux aggregation in heterogeneous terrain using remote sensing data. In: Proceedings. International workshop on landscape heterogeneity and aerodynamic roughness: Modelling and remote sensing perspectives, Antwerp (BE), 12 Oct 2001. Debie, H.; Ridder, K. De (eds.), TAP/R/05 (2002) p. 14-18

16. Jensen, N.O., Hasager, C.B. and Larsen, S.E. 2002 Aggregation of momentum and temperature roughnesses based on satellite data. European Geophysical Society 2002, XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, 21-26 April, Geophys. Research. Abstracts. (CD-ROM) See abstract

17. Hasager, C.B., Jensen, N.O., Boegh, E., Soegaard, H., Schelde, K. & Thomsen, A., 2001. Scaling-up evapotranspiration from field to regional scale based on optical remote sensing scenes. In the Proceedings of symposium Remote Sensing and Hydrology 2000, Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA, April 2000. IAHS Publ. No. 267, 292-295 See abstract

18. Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O., Satellite based bio-geophysical parameter mapping and aggregation modelling for weather prediction and climate models. International Geoscience and Remote Sensing Symposium IGARSS 2000 Symposium, Honolulu, HI (USA), 24-28 Jul 2000. See abstract

19. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, N.W.; Christensen, J.H.; Søgaard, H.; Bøgh, E.; Rasmussen, M.S.; Jensen, N.O., 2001 Satellite-based albedo, sea surface temperature and effective land roughness maps used in the HIRLAM model for weather and climate scenarios. American Geophysical Union (AGU) Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA (US), 10-14 Dec 2001. Eos Trans. Am. Geophys. Union Suppl. (2001) 82 (no.47), F206, See abstract and poster

20. Jensen, N.O. and C.B. Hasager 2000 Scaling up evaporation from field to regional estimates. European Geophysical Society (EGS). 25. General Assembly: Millennium conference on earth, planetary and solar systems sciences, Nice (FR), 25-29 Apr 2000. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2000) 2,

21. Soegaard, H., C.B.Hasager, N.Woetmann, J.H.Christensen, N.O.Jensen, E.Boegh, M.S.Rasmussen 2000 Combining satellite data and a high resolution meteorological model for estimation of surface fluxes and resistances. European Geophysical Society, 25. General assembly: Millennium conference on earth, planetary and solar systems sciences, Nice (FR), 25-29 Apr 2000. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2000) 2

22. Jensen, N.O. and C.B.Hasager, 1999 Surface heat flux averaging in heterogeneous terrain, IUGG 99, Birmingham, UK, 18-30 July 1999 (abstract)



Charlotte Bay Hasager
DTU Wind
+45 46 77 50 14