Cost of energy (COE) is the most important single factor in deployment of renewables in the energy system.
Reduction of COE is, among other things, directly related to operational control of Wind Power Plants (WPP) as a
whole and the individual wind turbines (WT) within them. In the Total Control project the COE reduction will be
pursued by developing and validating advanced integrated WPP/WT control schemes, where all essential interactions
between the WPP WT’s are accounted for including both production and load aspects.
Expected outcome:
- 5% Cost of Energy improvement
- Increase of total power production
- Reduction of uncertainty in providing power system services
- Reduction in O&M cost
- Increase the share of renewables
- Reduction of CO2 emissions
- Reducing the dependence on fossil based energy
The project started January 1st 2018 and will run for four years.
Total project budget: 36,33 mio. DKK.