The WEMSAR project runs from year 2000 to 2002. The project is funded from the European Union 5th Framework Programme on Research Technology Development and Demonstration within the Energy, Environment and Sustainable Development Programme.
To develop, validate and demonstrate the potential use of satellite-based Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR), scatterometer and altimeter data combined with meteorological observations for the mapping of wind resources in off-shore and near-coastal regions.
Satellite SAR data
Currently satellite SAR data are retrieved by the European satellite ERS-2 SAR from the European Space Agency (ESA) and by the Canadian RADARSAT-1. From year 2000 Advanced Synthetic Aperture Radar (ASAR) data from ENVISAT and in year 2001 SAR data from RADARSAT-2 will become available. SAR data has a resolution of about 25 m in the horizontal domain. In the WEMSAR project the SAR data will be regridded to a 400 m resolution.
Satellite altimeter data
Altimeter data are available from ERS-2 Altimeter and TOPEX/POSEIDON from NASA. The footprint is approximately 7 km.
Satellite scatterometer data
Scatterometer data are available from ERS scatterometer from ESA, SeaWinds from QuikScat at the American satellite TITAN II from NASA, SeaWinds at the Japanese satellite ADEOS II and NSCAT at ADEOS I. Global near-real time observations of ocean winds are available from QuikScat. The horizontal resolution is 50 km.
Wind resource mapping
In the WEMSAR project the off-shore wind resources will be calculated at regional and local scale for three sites located in Norway, Denmark and Italy. For the regional scale calculations the Karlsruhe Atmospheric Mesoscale Model (KAMM) will be used and for the local scale calculations WAsP.
- Nansen Remote Sensing Centre (NERSC) in Bergen, Norway (Prof. Ola Johannessen project co-ordinator; Dr. Stein Sandven, Dr. Heidi Espedal, Dr. Birgitte Furevik, Dr. Torill Hamre)
- Risø National Laboratory, Wind Energy and Atmospheric Physics Dept.(Dr. Charlotte Bay Hasager, Dr. Bo Hoffmann Jørgensen, Dr. Morten Nielsen, Dr. Sara Pryor, Dr. Ole Rathmann, Dr. Rebecca Barthelmie, Dr. Poul Astrup)
- NEG-Micon, Randers, Denmark (Lars E. Christensen)
- ENEA, Italy (Dr. Gaetano Gaudiosi)
- Terra Orbit AS, Norway (Geir Jevne)
Project web-pages at NERSC is available here
1. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Astrup, P.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Dellwik, E.; Jensen, N.O.; Jørgensen, B.H.; Pryor, S.C.; Rathmann, O.; Furevik, B.R., Offshore wind resource estimation from satellite SAR wind field maps. Wind Energy (Article in press) Abstract/full text
2. Hasager, C.B.; Dellwik, E.; Nielsen, M.; Furevik, B.R., Validation of ERS-2 SAR offshore wind-speed maps in the North Sea. Int. J. Remote Sensing (2004) 25 , 3817-3841 Abstract/full text
3. S.C.Pryor, M.Nielsen, R.J.Barthelmie, and J.Mann. "Can satellite sampling of offshore wind speeds realistically represent wind speed distributions? Part II Quantifying uncertainties associated with sampling strategy and distribution fitting methods." Journal of Applied Meteorology 43,(2004):739-50. R.J.Barthelmie and S.C.Pryor. "Can satellite sampling of offshore wind speeds realistically represent wind speed distributions." Journal of Applied Meteorology 42, no. 1(2003):83-94.
4. Furevik, B.R.; Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Hamre, T.; Jørgensen, B.H.; Rathmann, O.; Johannessen, O.M., Using satellite SAR in offshore wind resource assessment. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 2. Workshop on coastal and marine applications of SAR, Svalbard (NO), 8-12 Sep 2003. Lacoste, H. (ed.), (ESA Publications Division, Noordwijk, 2004) p. 33-38
5. Hasager, C.B., Satellite SAR applied in offshore wind resource mapping: Possibilities and limitations. In: Abstracts (CD-ROM). 35. COSPAR scientific assembly 2004, Paris (FR), 18-25 Jul 2004. (CNES, Paris, 2004) 1 p.
6. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Pryor, S.C., Offshore wind resource assessment through satellite images. EGU General Assembly 2004, Nice (FR), 25-30 Apr 2004. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2004) 6
7. Furevik, B.R.; Espedal, H.A.; Hamre, T.; Hasager, C.B.; Johannessen, O.M.; Jørgensen, B.H.; Rathmann, O., Satellite-based wind maps as guidance for siting offshore wind farms. Wind. Eng. (2003) 27 , 327-338 Abstract/full text
8. Hasager, C.B.; Rathmann, O.; Nielsen, M.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Pryor, S.C.; Dellwik, E.; Furevik, B.R., Offshore wind resource assessment based on satellite wind field maps. In: Proceedings CD-ROM. CD 2. European wind energy conference and exhibition 2003 (EWEC 2003), Madrid (ES), 16-19 Jun 2003. (European Wind Energy Association, Brussels, 2003) 11 p.(1, 2)
9. Johannessen, O.M.; Espedal, H.A.; Furevik, B.R.; Hamre, T.; Sandven, S.; Hasager, C.B.; Christensen, L.C.; Gaudiosi, G.; Pirazzi, L.; Jevne, G., WEMSAR. Wind Energy Mapping using Synthetic Aperture Radar. Key action 5: Cleaner energy systems, including renewable energies. WEMSAR final report 01 March 2000 - 28 February 2003. Scientific results. NERSC-TR-237 (2003) 33 Full text available.
10. Furevik, B.R., Hasager, C.B., Nielsen, M., Hamre, T., Jørgensen, B.H., Rathmann, O., Johannessen, O.M. 2003 Radar remote sensing in offshore wind ressource assessment. Conference proceedings of 2nd Coastal and Marine Applications of SAR Symposium. 8-12 September 2003, Svalbard, Norway 2003. p. 1-7. Available here
11. Furevik, B.R.; Espedal, H.A.; Hamre, T.; Hasager, C.B.; Johannessen, O.M.; Jørgensen, B.H.; Rathmann, O., Satellite-based wind maps as guidance for siting offshore wind farms. Wind. Eng. (2003) 27, 327-338
12. Hasager, C. B.; Furevik, B. R.; Hamre, T.; Nielsen, M.; Rathmann, O. 2003 Verification of an offshore wind-energy mapping tool using satellite SAR images. EGS - AGU - EUG Joint Assembly, Nice, France, 7-11 April 2003. Geophysical Research Abstracts, Vol. 5, 03354. See abstract . See poster.
13. Hasager, C.B.; Rathmann, O.; Nielsen, M.; Barthelmie, R.; Pryor, S.; Højstrup, J.; Badger, J.; Nørgaard, P.; Lundsager, P., Wind energy calculated from SAR and scatterometer satellite data. ESA workshop and renewable energy, Frascati (IT), 23-24 Jun 2003. Unpublished. PowerPoint presentation available Full text version
14. Hasager, C.B., Furevik, B. R., Hamre, T., Nielsen, M., Rathmann, O. 2003 Offshore wind maps from ERS-2 SAR validated to in-situ mast observations. IGARSS 2003, 21-25 July 2003, Toulouse, France. Session A26 Ocean Waves and Winds (paper submitted)
15. Furevik, B. R., Hasager, C. B., Barthelmie, R., Espedal, H. A., Jørgensen, B. H., Rathmann, O., Sandven, S., Gaudiosi, G., Christensen, L. C., Johannessen, O. M. 2003 Satellite-based wind maps - are they useful for siting of offshore wind farms? OWEMES (Offshore WindEenergy in Mediterranean and other European Seas), 10-12 April 2003 Naples, Italy. See paper.
16. Hasager, C.B., Furevik, B. R., Rathmann, O. Nielsen M. 2003 Offshore wind resource estimation from satellite-based wind speed maps. OWEMES (Offshore WindEenergy in Mediterranean and other European Seas), 10-12 April 2003 Naples, Italy. See abstract, poster, and poster award.
17. Hasager, C. B., Rathmann, O., Nielsen, M., Barthelmie, R., Pryor, S., and B.R. Furevik 2003 Offshore wind resource assessment based on satellite wind field maps. 2003 EWEC - European Wind Energy Conference. 16-19 June 2003, Madrid, Spain, see presentation and paper
18. Pryor, S.C., Nielsen, N.M., Barthelmie, R.J. and Mann, J. 2004: Can satellite sampling of offshore wind speeds realistically represent wind speed distributions? Part II: Quantifying uncertainties associated with sampling strategy and distribution fitting methods. Journal of Applied Meteorology 43, 739-750
19. Barthelmie, R.J. and Pryor, S.C. 2003: Can satellite sampling of offshore wind speeds realistically represent wind speed distributions. Journal of Applied Meteorology, 42(1), 83-94.
Pryor, S.C., Barthelmie, R.J., Mann, J. and Nielsen, M. 2003: Quantifying errors associated with satellite sampling of offshore wind speeds. Offshore Wind Energy in Mediterranean and Other European Seas. Naples, April 2003 submitted).
20. Hasager, C.B., Dellwik, E., Nielsen, M. and Furevik, B. 2002 Validation of ERS-2 SAR offshore wind-speed maps in the North Sea. Int. J. Remote Sensing (submitted sept 2002)
21. Hasager, C.B.; Astrup, P.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Dellwik, E., Jørgensen, B.H.; Mortensen, N.G.; Nielsen, M.; Pryor, S.; Rathmann, O., 2002 Validation of satellite SAR offshore wind speed maps to in-situ data, microscale and mesoscale model results. Risø-R-1298(EN) (2002) 271 p. Electronic version only
22. Hasager, C.B.; Furevik, B., 2002 Remote sensing images of offshore winds from ERS-2 SAR validated to in-situ observations in the North Sea. DSAR konference, Risø (DK), 29 Oct 2002. See poster.
23. Hasager, C.B.; Furevik, B.R.; Dellwik, E.; Nielsen, M., 2002 Satellite synthetic aperture radar (ERS-2 SAR) validation study for offshore wind speed mapping. Konference i Nordisk Forum for Fotogrammetri og Remote Sensing, København (DK), 2-4 Oct 2002. See abstract and slideshow
24. Hasager, C.B.; Furevik, B.; Pryor, S.C.; Barthelmie, R.J., 2002 Offshore wind resources quantified from satellite SAR: Methodology and technical aspects. In: Proceedings. 1st International symposium on recent advances in quantitative remote sensing, Torrent (ES), 16-20 Sep 2002. Sobrino, J.A. (ed.), (Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, 2002) p. 778-782. See proceedings
25. Espedal, H.A., O. M. Johannessen, B. Furevik, S. Sandven, C. Hasager, L.C. Christensen, G. Gaudiosi, WEMSAR- Wind Energy Mapping using Synthetic Aperture Radar, Proceedings of IGARSS01, Sydney, 2001.
26. Barthelmie, R. J., and Pryor, S. C. 2001 A review of the economics of offshore wind farms. Wind Eng. 25, 203-213
27. Hasager, C.B., Jensen, N.O., Nielsen, M., Furevik, B. 2002 SAR satellite image derived wind speed maps validated with in-situ meteorological observations and footprint theory for offshore wind resource mapping. Proceedings of Global Windpower Conference, Paris, 2-5 April, 2002. See proceedings, poster and Award for best poster.
28. Jørgensen, B.H., Furevik, B.,Hasager, C.B., Astrup, P., Rathmann, O., Barthelmie, R., Pryor, S. 2002 Developments in mesoscale modeling and satellite SAR imaging of offshore wind maps. Proceedings of Global Windpower Conference, Paris, 2-5 April, 2002. See proceedings
29. Pryor, S., Barthelmie, R., Hasager, C.B. 2002 Can satellite sampling of offshore wind represent wind speed distributions? Proceedings of Global Windpower Conference, Paris, 2-5 April, 2002. (in press). See poster
30. Furevik, B.R., Espedal, H.A., Hasager, C.B., Johannessen, O.M., Jørgensen, B.H., Rathmann, O. and Sandven. S. 2002 Wind estimates at the Norwegian west coast from modelling, in situ and satellite observations. European Geophysical Society 2002, XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, 21-26 April, Geophys. Research (CD-ROM). See abstracts
31. Hasager, C.B., Nielsen, M. and Furevik, B. 2002 Validation of wind speed maps from satellite SAR through footprint analysis of in-situ data from an offshore meteorological mast in Denmark. European Geophysical Society 2002, XXVII General Assembly, Nice, France, 21-26 April, Geophys. Research (CD-ROM). See abstracts.
32. Jørgensen, B.H., Furevik, B., Hasager, C.B., Astrup, P., Rathmann, O., Bartehlmie, R., Pryor, S., 2001 Off-shore wind fields obtained from mesoscale modeling and satellite SAR images. Offshore Wind Energy, EWEA Special Topic Conference, 10-12 December 2001, Brussels, Belgium. (CD-ROM). See proceedings
33. Hasager, C.B, H.P.Frank, B.R. Furevik 2002 On offshore wind energy mapping using satellite SAR. Canadian Journal of Remote Sensing, 28/1, 80-89
34. Hasager, C.B. 2001 Offshore vind fra satellitbilleder, Risøs Vinddag, Risø National Laboratory, 28 November 2001. See slides
35. Hasager, C.B., Furevik, B., Dellwik, E., Sandven, S. Frank, H.P., Jensen, N.O., Astrup, P., Joergensen, B.H., Rathmann, O., Barthelmie, R.; Johannessen, O., Gaudiosi, G.;
36. Christensen, L.C., 2001 Satellite images used in offshore wind resource assessment. 2001 Eds. P.Helm and A.Zervos. Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference and exhibition (EWEC), Copenhagen (DK), 2-6 July 2001, 673-677, See proceedings
37. Pryor, S.C. and R.J. Barthelmie, Persistence of offshore winds: Implications for power quality. Proceedings of the European Wind Energy Conference and exhibition (EWEC), Copenhagen, Denmark, 2-6 July 2001, Eds. P.Helm and A.Zervos, (DK), 2-6 July 2001, 717-720. See poster
38. Hasager, C.B., Furevik, B., Jørgensen, B.H., and Astrup, P. 2001 Offshore wind from SAR satellite images. Danish Society of Atmospheric Research (DSAR) annual meeting, Copenhagen 15 November 2001
39. Hasager, C.B and H.P.Frank 2000. Off-shore wind energy mapping using satellite SAR. CERSAT NEWS, Special Issue No. 11, Ocean Winds Proceedings of Workshop on present and emerging remote sensing methods, 19-21 June 2000. IFREMER, p. 10
40. Hasager, C.B. 2000 Wind energy mapping using syntheric aperture radar, Proceedings of Fifth International Winds Workshop, 28 February - 3 March 2000, Lorne, Australia. EUMETSAT, Germany, EUM P28, ISSN 1023-0416, ISBN 92-9110-036-6, p 259-265
41. Hasager, C.B. and H. Frank, 2000, Off-shore wind energy mapping using satellite SAR. Abstracts of Ocean Winds Workshop on Present and Emerging Remote Sensing Methods. IFREMER, Brest, France, 19-22 June 2000, p 41 See abstract and poster (pdf).
42. Hasager, C.B., Furevik, B., Dellwik, E., and O. Johannessen (2001) Comparison of satellite sar-derived wind speed maps and off-shore in-situ wind observations in the North Sea. European Geophysical Society 2001, XXVI General Assembly, Nice, France, 25-30 March, (CD-ROM).
43. Johannessen, O.M., S. Sandven, H.Espedal, B.Furevik, T.Hamre, J.Højstrup, C.Hasager, G.Jevne, G.Gaudiosi, 2000, Wind energy mapping using Synthetic Aperture Radar (WEMSAR), European Seminar: Offshore Wind Energy in Mediterranean and other European Seas (OWEMES) 2000, 13-15 April 2000, Sicily, Italy.
44. Johannessen, O.M., Sandven, S. & Furevik, B.R., 2000. Wind Energy Mapping Using Synthetic Aperture Radar (WEMSAR). CERSAT NEWS, Special Issue No. 11, Ocean Winds Proceedings of Workshop on present and emerging remote sensing methods, 19-21 June 2000. IFREMER, pp. 15
45. Johannessen, O.M. & Bjorgo, E., 2000. Wind energy mapping of coastal zones by synthetic aperture radar (SAR) for siting potential windmill locations. Int. J. Remote Sensing, Vol. 21, No. 9, pp.1781-1786