WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin.
The WATERMED project runs from year 2000 to 2002. The project is funded from the European Union 5th Framework Programme within the INCOMED programme.
The general objective of the WATERMED project is to develop a comprehensive method for the study of the water use and the resistance to the drought of the natural and irrigated vegetation in the Mediterranean Basin, by means of a combined historical and current space-based remote sensing database, vegetation models and field measurements. The general concept is to integrate all available data of the studied environments.
To carry out a climatology of the study area to distinquish the most fragile areas to the drought and the evolution of the ecozones. The study will map the land cover change in the time period chosen. The study will be made by using NOAA AVHRR satellite data, high resolution imagery, airborne remote sensing measurements and field measurements.
A study of water use efficiency in four specific test areas chosen in the following critical zones:
the Guadalentin Basin (SE Spain)
the Ouarzazate province and Marrakech (SE of Morocco)
the lower Rhone valley (SE France)
the northern region of the Sinai Peninsula in Egypt.
The contribution from Risø is focussed on the upscaling of surface heat and water vapour fluxes from point scale to a scale of 1 km * 1 km. This is the resolution the NOAA AVHRR satellite data. The study will be based on high resolution satellite data from selected sites. The surface flux modelling will be done with a new version of the microscale aggregation method. Further will the upscaling results be compared to other methodologies.
University de Valencia, Faculty of Physics, Dept. of Thermodynamics, Spain (Dr. José A. Sobrino co-ordinator)
Institu National de la Recherche agronomique (INRA) of France (Dr. Albert Olioso)
Risø National Laboratory of Denmark (Dr. Charlotte Hasager, Dr. Niels Otto Jensen)
Centre Royal de Télédétection Spatial (CRTS) of Morocco
- University of Marrakkech, Faculty of Physics, Morocco
- National Authority for Remote Sensing and Space (NARSS) of Egypt
- The WATERMED general web pages are found here
1. Hasager, C.B., Individual partner final report 1 February 2000 to 31 January 2004. Partner 3, Risoe National Laboratory. In: WATERMED. Final report. (2004) p. 67-72
2. Hasager, C.B., 4. Annual progress report 1 February 2003 to 31 January 2004. Partner 3, Risoe National Laboratory. In: WATERMED - WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin. Fourth annual report covering the period 1 February 2003 to 31 January 2004. (2004) p. 55-61
3. Hasager, C.B., Partner 3, Risoe National Laboratory. Annual progress report, 1 February 2002 to 31 January 2003. In: WATERMED - WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin. First annual report 1 February 2000 to 31 January 2001. (2003) p. 86-102
4. Hasager, C.B., Partner 3, Risoe National Laboratory. Annual progress report, 1 February 2001 to 31 January 2002. In: WATERMED - WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin. First annual report 1 February 2000 to 31 January 2001. (2002) p. 105-125
5. Hasager, C.B., Partner 3, Risoe National Laboratory. Annual progress report, 1 February 2000 to 31 January 2001. In: WATERMED - WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin. First annual report 1 February 2000 to 31 January 2001. (2001) p. 123-13
6. Hasager, C.B.; Jensen, N.O.; Olioso, A., Land cover, surface temperature and leaf area index maps from satellites used for the aggregation of momentum and temperature roughnesses. In: Proceedings. 1. International symposium on recent advances in quantitative remote sensing, Torrent (ES), 16-20 Sep 2002. (Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, 2002) p. 466-473. See
paper in pdf
7. Olioso, A.; Hasager, C.B.; Jacob, F.; Wassenaar, T.; Chehbouni, A.; Marloie, O.; Lecharpentier, P.; Courault, D., Mapping surface sensible heat flux from thermal infrared and reflectances data using various models over the Alpilles test site. In: Proceedings. 1. International symposium on recent advances in quantitative remote sensing, Torrent (ES), 16-20 Sep 2002. Sobrino, J.A. (ed.), (Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, 2002) p. 450-457
8. Wassenaar, T.; Olioso, A.; Hasager, C.B.; Jacob, F.; Chehbouni, A., Estimation of evapotranspiration on heterogeneous pixels. In: Proceedings. 1. International symposium on recent advances in quantitative remote sensing, Torrent (ES), 16-20 Sep 2002. Sobrino, J.A. (ed.), (Publicacions de la Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, 2002) p. 458-465
9. Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, C.B.; Olioso, A., Remote sensing images used for aggregation of the scalar roughness, ?z0t. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, København (DK), 8. Nov 2002. See
10. Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, C.B., On modelling area averages (aggregation) of momentum and surface heat fluxes based on satellite observations of LAI, land cover, surface temperature and roughness. Seminardag: Remote sensing anvendt i hydrologi og agrometeorologi, Københavns Universitet, København (DK), 8. Nov 2002. See
11. Jensen, N.O.; Hasager, C.B.; Olioso, A., Remote sensing images for aggregation of the scalar roughness, z0t. DSAR konference, Risø (DK), 29 Oct 2002. See
12. Hasager, C.B.; Olioso, A.; Jacob, F., Parametrisation of aggregated roughness and sensible heat flux from field scale to hydrological scale by microscale modelling in the Alpilles experiment in France. EGS 2002, 27. General assembly, Nice (FR), 21-26 Apr 2002. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2002) 4. See
abstract and
13. Hasager, C.B.,Olioso, A., Jacob, F. 2002 Scaling surface heat flux from eddy correlation data to NOAA AVHRR resolution with a microscale flux aggregation model for the Alpilles experiment in France. In: Proceedings on Workshop on Remote Sensing in Hydrology, Montpellier, 2-5 October 2001 France (in press)
14. Olioso, A.; Jacob, F.; Hadjar, D.; Lecharpentier, P.; Hasager, C.B., 2002 Spatial distribution of evapotranspiration and aerodynamic roughness from optical remote sensing. In: Proceedings of International workshop on landscape heterogeneity and aerodynamic roughness: Modelling and remote sensing perspectives, Antwerp (BE), 12 Oct 2001. Debie, H.; Ridder, K. De (eds.), TAP/R/05 (2002) p. 19-26
15. Hasager, C.B., 2002 Microscale surface flux aggregation in heterogeneous terrain using remote sensing data. In: Proceedings. International workshop on landscape heterogeneity and aerodynamic roughness: Modelling and remote sensing perspectives, Antwerp (BE), 12 Oct 2001. Debie, H.; Ridder, K. De (eds.), TAP/R/05 (2002) p. 14-18
16. Sobrino, J.A., Raissouni, N., Olioso, A., Hasager, C.B., Ait Belaid, M., Abdel Rahman, S., 2000, WATERMED-WATer use Efficiency in natural vegetation and agricultural areas by Remote sensing in the MEDiterranean basin, MARISY'2000, 26-27 October, Rabat, Morocco. See
poster (296kB pdf)