Power Fluctuation from Large Windfarms

The objective of the project is to develop and validate models for simulation of the power variations in wind farms.

Period: 2004 - 2007

Project description
The objective of the project is to develop and validate models for simulation of the power variations in wind farms.

The models should be applicable to determine the required spinning reserve to keep a safe and reliable operation of the power system. Focus will be on power fluctuations from large offshore wind farms, and measurements from the large offshore wind farms Horns Rev as well as Nysted will be applied to validate the models. The project is based on existing models for wind fluctuations in wind farms, which only includes the faster fluctuations due to turbulence. These models will be extended to include the slower variations, i.e. variations from minutes to hours, due to e.g. frontline passages.

During a couple of hours, these slow variations are often relatively large, and as they are strongly correlated over the wind farm, they will not be smoothed as much as the faster fluctuations as the power from all the wind turbines in the wind farm are summed up. Therefore, the slow variations are particularly important for large wind farms and there influence on the requirement for spinning reserve in the power system. Besides power fluctuations, the project will develop aggregated models for wind farms, i.e. reduction of detailed models including individual models for all wind turbines to models where the whole wind farm is represented by a single wind farm with appropriate characteristics. Such a reduction is necessary to simulate power systems with thousands of wind turbines.


- Risø National Laboratory

- Technical University of Denmark

- Energy E2 A/S

- Elsam Engineering

Contact persons:

- Poul Sørensen, Risø

- Henrik Madsen, DTU

- Helge Didriksen, E2

- Leo Jensen, Elsam Engineering


Poul Ejnar Sommer Sørensen
DTU Wind
+45 21 36 27 66