Northern Seas Wind Index Database
The EU-Norsewind project is funded by the European Commission TREN-FP7 in the period August 2008 to July 2012 (4 years).The aim is to bring high quality wind atlases to the North, Irish and Baltic Seas based on lidar, mast and satellite data combined with mesoscale modelling.
On the 1st of August 2008, the EC FP7 project NORSEWInD officially kicked-off. Aimed at bringing high quality Wind Atlases to the North, Irish and Baltic Seas, the project will create one of the biggest dedicated instrumentation networks to acquire wind speed data offshore.
Risø DTU participates in several work packages including data collection of wind and turbulence observations using lidar offshore; collection and analysis of satellite images for ocean wind mapping; research on wind profiles – shear and turbulence; contribution of mesoscale modelling of ocean winds and wind atlas; communication and publication.
The team at Risø DTU, Wind Energy Division consists of:
Coordinator is Dr. Andy Oldroyd at Oldbaum Services Limited, Scotland, UK