Design and integration of an EO-based mapping service based on end-user demands for geo-information when planning, constructing and operating wind farms.

EO-based information service for WINDFARM management.
The EO-WINDFARM project runs in years 2003 and 2007 with funding from the European Space Agency (ESA), Earth Observation Market Development (EOMD) programme.

The overall objective of this study is to design and integrate an EO-based mapping service based on end-user demands for geo-information when planning, constructing and operating wind farms.
The service will benefit citizens of Europe, through improved cost-effectiveness pre-siting, constructing and operating wind farms. The service products will be GIS compatible, for easy inclusion in different customer applications.
The focus of this project is on providing an EO-based information service, aiding potential customers. The service will provide different products for different regions, e.g. for offshore sites EO wind mapping will be an important product, while for land sites other EO products such as roughness mapping will be more relevant.
Further information is available at www.nersc.no/EO-WINDFARM

- NERSC, Nansen Environmental and Remote Sensing Center, Norway
- Project manager, Ola M. Johannessen
- Project co-ordinator, Lasse Pettersson
- Risoe National Laboratory, Wind Energy Department, Denmark
- Charlotte Bay Hasager (co-ordinator at Risø)
- Morten Nielsen
- Poul Astrup

Press releases and publications
1. Hasager, C.B., Offshore wind resources from satellite (Invited Poster). 2007 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Milan (IT), 7-10 May 2007. Unpublished.

2. Hasager, C.B.; Astrup, P.; Nielsen, P.; Christiansen, M.B.; Nielsen, M., Satellite ocean surface winds in offshore wind engineering. EGU General Assembly 2007, Vienna (AT), 15-20 Apr 2007. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2007) 9 (no.Abstr. EGU2007-A-01605

3. Hasager, C.B.; Christiansen, M.B.; Nielsen, M., SAR-based wind climatology for wind turbines. In: Abstracts (on CD-ROM). ENVISAT symposium, Montreux (CH), 23-27 Apr 2007. (European Space Agency, Paris, 2007) 1 p.

4. Hasager, C.B.; Astrup, P.; Nielsen, M.; Christiansen, M.B.; Badger, J.; Nielsen, P.; Sørensen, P.B.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Pryor, S.C.; Bergström, H., SAT-WIND project. Final report. Risø-R-1586(EN) (2007) 131 p. Full text version

5. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Christiansen, M.B.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Astrup, P., Advances on wind energy resource mapping from SAR. In: Advances in SAR Oceanography from Envisat and ERS Missions. Proceedings. SEASAR 2006 - Advances in SAR oceanography from ENVISAT and ERS missions, Rome (IT), 23-26 Jan 2006. Lacoste, H. (ed.), (European Space Agency, Paris, 2006) (ESA-SP-613) 6 p.

6. Hasager, C.B.; Christiansen, M.B.; Astrup, P.; Nielsen, M., Satellite remote sensing in wind energy. 51. IEA topical expert meeting, IEA R&D wind task 11, Risø (DK), 23-24 Jan 2007. Unpublished.

7. Hasager, C.B.; Christiansen, M.B.; Astrup, P.; Nielsen, M., Kartleggning av offshore vindforhold ved bruk av satellittobservasjoner (Invited Presentation). Vindkraft FoU seminar - vinn eller forsvinn?, Trondheim (NO), 25-26 Jan 2007. Unpublished. PowerPoint presentation available

8. Christiansen, M.B.; Koch, W.; Horstmann, J.; Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M., Wind resource assessment from C-band SAR. Remote Sens. Environ. (2006) 105 , 68-81 Abstract/full text

9. Hasager, C.B.; Christiansen, M.B.; Nielsen, M., SAR wind mapping. In: Abstract book. 2. International symposium on recent advances in quantitative remote sensing (RAQRS 2), Torrent (ES), 25-29 Sep 2006. (Universitat de Valencia, Valencia, 2006) p. 168-169

10. Christiansen, M.B.; Hasager, C.B., Using airborne and satellite SAR for wake mapping offshore. Wind Energy (2006) 9 , 437-455
Abstract/full text

11. Hasager, C.B.; Astrup, P.; Christiansen, M.B.; Nielsen, M.; Barthelmie, R.J., Wind resources and wind farm wake effects offshore observed from satellite. In: Proceedings (online). 2006 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, Athens (GR), 27 Feb - 2 Mar 2006. (European Wind Energy Association, Brussels, 2006) 10 p. Paper available

12. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Christiansen, M.B., Satellite wind resource mapping: State-of-the-art on method and results. In: Offshore wind and other marine renewable energies in Mediterranean and European seas. Proceedings. OWEMES 2006. European seminar, Rome (IT), 20-22 Apr 2006. (ENEA, Roma, 2006) p. 69-75

13. Hasager, C.B.; Christiansen, M.B.; Nielsen, M., Wind climate in the Danish Seas observed from the Envisat satellite. EGU General Assembly 2006, Vienna (AT), 2-7 Apr 2006. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2006) 8 (no.Abstr. EGU06-A-03132)

14. Hasager, C.B.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Christiansen, M.B.; Nielsen, M.; Pryor, S.C., Quantifying offshore wind resources from satellite wind maps: Study area the North Sea. Wind Energy (2006) 9 , 63-74

15. Christiansen, M.B.; Hasager, C.B., Wind energy applications of synthetic aperture radar. In: Combined preprints (CD-ROM). 86. AMS annual meeting, Atlanta, GA (US), 29 Jan - 2 Feb 2006. (American Meteorological Society, Boston, MA, 2006) 6 p.

16. Christiansen, M.B.; Hasager, C.B., Wind farm wake mapping from SAR. In: Abstract book. SEASAR 2006 - Advances in SAR oceanography from ENVISAT and ERS missions, Rome (IT), 23-26 Jan 2006. (European Space Agency, Paris, 2006) 1 p.

17. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Christiansen, M.B.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Astrup, P., Advances on wind energy resource mapping from SAR. In: Abstract book. SEASAR 2006 - Advances in SAR oceanography from ENVISAT and ERS missions, Rome (IT), 23-26 Jan 2006. (European Space Agency, Paris, 2006) 1 p.

18. Hasager, C.B., Christiansen, M.B., Astrup, P., Nielsen, R., Barthelmie, R. 2005 Using satellite data for mapping offshore wind resources and wakes. Oral presentation at the Copenhagen Offshore Winds, 26-28 October 2005, Copenhagen, Denmark. Slides. Proceedings paper in press.

19. Barthelmie, R.J.; Hasager, C.B.; Badger, J., Offshore wind resources. Off shore wind energy technologies seminar, Beijing (CN), 25 Apr 2005. Unpublished.

20. Furevik, B.; Hasager, C.B.; Wensink, H.; Christensen, L.; Stette, M.; Ranchin, T., Satellite based services for the wind industry. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 31. International symposium on remote sensing of environment: Global monitoring for sustainability and security, St. Petersburg (RU), 20-24 Jun 2005. (Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, St. Petersburg, 2005) 1 p.

21. Hasager, C.B., Remote sensing at Risø National Laboratory. EARSeL Newsl. (2005) (no.63) , 20

22. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Christiansen, M.B., Quantitative remote sensing: Horns Rev wind farm case study. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 2004 Envisat and ERS symposium, Salzburg (AT), 6-10 Sep 2004. (European Space Agency, Paris, 2005) 4P17-1 (6 p.)

23. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Christiansen, M.B., RWT tool: Offshore wind energy mapping from SAR. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 2004 Envisat and ERS symposium, Salzburg (AT), 6-10 Sep 2004. (European Space Agency, Paris, 2005) (SP-572) 2P14-2 (6 p.)

24. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Astrup, P., Remote sensing for wind energy applications. In: Proceedings (CD-ROM). 31. International symposium on remote sensing of environment: Global monitoring for sustainability and security, St. Petersburg (RU), 20-24 Jun 2005. (Nansen International Environmental and Remote Sensing Centre, St. Petersburg, 2005) 3 p.

25. Ranchin, T.; Furevik, B.; Stette, M.; Wensink, H.; Hulle, F. van; Hasager, C.B.; Johnsen, H.; Fichaux, N.; Christensen, L.C.; Sørensen, P.B.; Hurley, B., Obtaining data for wind farm development and management: The EO-WINDFARM project. In: Proceedings (internet). Energies renouvelables en mer, Brest (FR), 20-21 Oct 2004. (2005) 9 p. Full text version

26. Barthelmie, R.J.; Giebel, G.; Jørgensen, B.H.; Badger, J.; Pryor, S.C.; Hasager, C.B., Comparison of corrections to site wind speeds in the offshore environment: Value for short-term forecasting. In: Proceedings CD-ROM. 2004 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, London (GB), 22-25 Nov 2004. (European Wind Energy Association, Brussels, 2005) 9 p.

27. Furevik, B.; Hasager, C.B., Satellite based services for the wind industry (poster). 2004 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, London (GB), 22-25 Nov 2004. Unpublished.

28. Hasager, C.B.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Christiansen, M.B.; Nielsen, M.; Pryor, S.C., Quantifying offshore wind resources from satellite wind maps: Study area the North Sea. In: Scientific proceedings. 2004 European Wind Energy Conference and Exhibition, London (GB), 22-25 Nov 2004. (European Wind Energy Association, London, 2004) p. 29-33

29. Nielsen, M.; Astrup, P.; Hasager, C.B.; Barthelmie, R.J.; Pryor, S.C., Satellite information for wind energy applications. Risø-R-1479(EN) (2004) 57 p.

30. The EO-WINDFARM project is presented November 2003 at the ESA web portal. Please see link (in Danish)

31. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Christiansen, M.B., RWT tool: Offshore wind energy mapping from SAR. 2004 Envisat and ERS symposium, Salzburg (AT), 6-10 Sep 2004. Paper available

32. Furevik, B.; Stette, M.; Ranchin, T.; Hasager, C.; Christensen, L.; Peirano, E.; Wensink, H.; Hulle, F. Van; Sørensen, P.; Johnsen, H.; Hurley, B.; Johannessen, O., EO-based information service for windfarm management (EO-WINDFARM) - a project within the EOMD activity. 2004 Envisat and ERS symposium, Salzburg (AT), 6-10 Sep 2004. Abstract available, poster available at NERSC, Proceedings paper in prep.

33. Hasager, C.B., Satellite SAR applied in offshore wind resource mapping: Possibilities and limitations. In: Abstracts (CD-ROM). 35. COSPAR Scientific Assembly 2004, Paris (FR), 18-25 Jul 2004. (CNES, Paris, 2004) Abstract available

34. Hasager, C.B.; Nielsen, M.; Pryor, S.C., Offshore wind resource assessment through satellite images. European Geosciences Union (EGU) First General Assembly 2004, Nice (FR), 25-30 Apr 2004. Geophys. Res. Abstr. (CD-ROM) (2004) 6 Abstract and presentation available

3E, Belgium
- Luc Dewilde

ADEME, Agence de l'Environnement et de la Maîtrise de l'Energie, France
- Eric Peirano

Airtricity, Ireland
- Brian Hurley

ARGOSS, The Netherlands
- Han Wensink

ARMINES/Ecole des Mines de Paris, France
- Thierry Ranchin

DONG energy, Denmark
- Paul B. Sørensen

VESTAS, Denmark
- Michael Pram Nielsen

NORUT Informasjonsteknologi AS, Norway
- Harald Johnsen

GRAS, Denmark
- Michael Schultz Rasmussen

Altamira, Spain



Charlotte Bay Hasager
DTU Wind
+45 46 77 50 14